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Harvie is a CSA software platform that allows farmers to better meet their customers needs by creating personalized shares each week. Harvie pairs the customers specific preferences with what is available for harvest on the farm to give the customer a totally unique share, catered just to them.

Our CSA Management Platform

How does it work?

After signing up for a CSA share, you will have the option of entering your preferences for each of the items we grow. You can rate an item from a one (I never want to see it in my box) to a five (love it and can't get enough). 

Based on these preferences, and our seasonal harvests each week, we will create your custom share! If you choose not to set preferences, your share will be built by us, just like it used to.

Each week, you will receive an email letting you know what will be in your share. At this point, you have the option to further customize your share by swapping the contents or adding extras. If your share looks good, you missed the email, or you just love surprises, you don’t have to do anything else, just pick up and enjoy your share as usual!

Other reasons to love Harvie...

Vacation Holds and Rescheduling. If you have a vacation planned and won't be available to pick up your share one week, Harvie makes it easy to log into your account and reschedule your share pickup for another day.

Flexible payment plans. Harvie allows us to offer an alternative to the traditional pay-up-front model that we have used in the past. During checkout, we now require only a percentage up front and the remaining balance will be billed automatically throughout the season. Of course, you always have the option to pay in full.

Purchasing extras for your delivery. Harvie makes it easy to idd items to your weekly delivery if you see something you like that didn't make it into your box.

Excellent customer support. If you have any technical difficulties with your CSA how to set your preferences, login issues, creating vacation holds, or anything else...Harvie has great support staff to assist you! This frees us up to be out in the garden instead of in front of the screen.

Cooking tips. With your Harvie account, you will receive access to a plethora of recipe ideas, preparation and storage tips, and cooking techniques to help you learn how to best utilize and really enjoy the produce you receive.

Reduced food waste. Because Harvie caters your CSA share to your specific preferences, you will only receive the items you want. This helps less food to be tossed or composted as a result...less food guilt! Yasss!

For more information you can check go to their website by clicking HERE

Or sign up for our CSA by clicking HERE

© 2020 by Tobias Garden, LLC

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